In order to maintain and to spread the ORAHS community spirit, we'd like to use mailing list and social networks as a tool to allow ORAHS members to keep in touch in a friendly way.

Mailing List

To join to our community, you should subscribe the mailing list here.
Please: use straightforward email address to subscribe the mailing list. Examples:

  • Accepted email: name.surname@someuniversity
  • Rejected email: strawberry_14@somethingstrange

In other words, it should be possible to identify the subscriber from its email address.


We have a channel on Twitter to spread our activities on the social network
Our Twitter account is @EwgOrahs or follow this link.


To join to our group on LinkedIn, you should have an active LinkedIn profile.
You can get the group following this link or searching for "ORAHS" in the search group field.