28th meeting of the EURO Working Group

Operational Research Applied to Health Services



Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, July 29th to August 2nd , 2002




There are frequent flights to Rio from all major cities in South America. Varig, Brazil's national airline, flies to many major

cities in the world.


Facts for the Traveler


Visas: Passport required, must be valid for at least 90-days from date of entry.  Visa required for a touristic stay of max. 90

days, one extension possible.


Health riscks: Chagas' disease, dengue fever, malaria, meningitis, rabies, yellow fever.


Time: GMT/UTC  minus  3  hours in  the east,  northeast,  south and  southeast; GMT/UTC minus 4 hours in the west; and

GMT/UTC minus 5 hours in the far west.


Electricity:Unstandardized; 110 or 120V, 60 Hz in Rio and São Paulo.


Weights & measures:Metric



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