28th meeting of the EURO Working Group

Operational Research Applied to Health Services

July 28th to August 2nd, 2002 – Rio de Janeiro








NAME:                               ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­_______________________________________________


EMAIL ADRESS:              _______________________________________________


POSTAL ADRESS:            _______________________________________________












FAX:                                   _______________________________________________


PHONE:                              _______________________________________________


I intend to present a paper   ______ YES                                         _____ NO


Provisional title of paper     _______________________________________________




I am willing to chair a session   _____YES                                       _____ NO


Number of accompanying persons: ________


Please return to us before June 8 th  , 2002 ( notification of acceptance: June 17th, 2002)


Instituto Alberto Luiz Coimbra de  Pós-Graduação e Pesquisa de Engenharia           Mario Jorge F. de Oliveira –  Programa de Engenharia de Produção

Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro                                                                  Email: mario_jo@pep.ufrj.br

Cidade Universitária  Centro de Tecnologia    Bloco G                                             Home page: http://www.po.ufrj.br/~mario_jo/orahs2002/index.htm

Caixa Postal 6851  Rio de Janeiro   21945-970   R.J.                                                  Tel: (+5521) 2562.8244/2562.7045

Tel. (+5521) 2560-8832   Fax: (+5521) 2290-6626      



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